Modifying the Standalone Template for your own App

If you do not have or use Apple Developer tools, the easiest way to create an SC-based 

standalone application is to modify an existing SC standalone: 

1 - Obtain the compiled 'Standalone' for the desired version of SC3, 

e.g. SC3.3.1, and make a copy of it for modification.

2 - Renaming 

* In the Finder, rename the copy of 'Standalone' to e.g.

* Alt-click on, and select 'Show package contents':

Ths opens the folder inside the app.

* Open the file Contents/Info.plist (with PropertyListEditor if you have it, or any text editor), 

* in the section: 



<string>Standalone Template</string>


replace 'Standalone Template' with YourApp

For safety, keep  a copy of the file Info.plist. around.

2 - Credits

In Resources/English.lproj/Credits.rtf, add credits for all contributors to YourApp.

3 - The top Help file

Edit Resources/Help/Help.html to inform users about YourApp.

4 - Adding resources, extensions, etc etc

Put any soundfiles you intend to use in /Contents/Resources/sounds

Put any extra UGen plugin libraries your app requires in (e.g. Kloink.scx) in Resources/plugins

Put any classes for YourApp in Resources/SCClassLibrary

5 - Modifying the startup file 

in Resources/SCClassLibrary/, modify the file

to do anything your app needs, such as boot the server.

Then, call the class(es) and/or execute the script(s) that start(s) YourApp.

See the section Adding your own behavior in Creating-Standalone-Applications!

6 - Start YourApp and test that it works. Adjusting scripts will usually require 

modifications of file paths, and you may have forgotten classes! 

You can recompile, edit scripts, add classes, as in SC3 itself.

7 - When your app works as desired - Share and Enjoy!